Start a Union at Your Job
Are you interested in starting a union in Kentucky or Indiana, but don’t know where to start? We’re here to help you! Our experienced organizers can answer your questions, give you the information you need and support you as you start your union.
Step 1: Unite with Your Co-workers
Learn more about the benefits of joining the UFCW.
Share union interest forms for your co-workers to submit.
Step 2: Get an Election Date
Once enough co-workers submit union interest forms, you send those interest forms to the National Labor Relations Board, which is the government agency that enforces your rights to start a union.
The National Labor Relations Board sets an election date for you and your co-workers to vote on starting a union.
Step 3: Vote Union Yes!
Stay united with your co-workers and vote Yes for a Union on Election Day!
Step 4: Form a Negotiating Committee
You and your co-workers will choose who will serve on the negotiating committee.
Through surveys and meetings you and your co-workers will decide what you want in your first union contract.
Experienced UFCW 227 negotiators will be there to support and guide you at every step.
Step 5: Vote on Your Union Contract
Your co-workers on the negotiating committee will show everyone a final draft of your union contract.
You and your co-workers vote on whether or not to approve that final draft.