
Official Member Only Newsletter - February 2021


A Message from President Bob Blair and

Secretary Treasurer Paul L. Whiteley Jr.


The vaccine means we can see a light at the end of the tunnel and we continue to fight for essential workers to be prioritized for the vaccine. The Distribution has been slow and there's been a lot of confusion, so we wanted to share a helpful tool with you: You can sign up for alerts, see who is currently eligible for the vaccine and who will be eligible next. Simply choose your state and your essential worker category (for members in meatpacking, food processing and distilleries choose Food & Agriculture).


While we wait for the vaccine to be available and even after getting the vaccine, your health and safety remains one of our top priorities. Mask wearing, cleaning and sanitizing and all of the other safety rules to stop the spread of COVID-19 are still important and necessary. If you have safety concerns, we want to hear from you. Please use our Coronavirus Health and Safety Reporting Form and we will address your concerns with your company.


Thank you for all that you do for your community and our union. 



Union Benefits: How Does the Union Provide You Job Security?


Have you ever worried you might lose your job because of a bad manager or a manager that didn’t like you? It can be a really stressful situation. As a union member, you have rights that protect you and trained Union Stewards and Representatives that have your back.


Read more about how your union contract gives you job security.


The 2020 tax year might need a little extra attention,

and that could mean a bigger return


Did the stimulus check or checks you received not add up to what you thought? Did you have a baby this year?


UFCW 227 members have several discounts to choose from when filing taxes, which means even more money in your pocket.


To read more visit this link and find out where to go to get your union member discount when you file your taxes!


Click Morgan's story to hear about how Free College through UFCW 227 impacted her and her family.


Click the AT&T Coupon to Learn How to Access

Your UFCW 227 AT&T Discount


Celebrating Black Labor Leaders for Black History Month


William Burrus - was the first African-American to be elected president of any national union in direct balloting by the membership. Read more


George T. Downing - was an advocate for workers’ rights and racial equity. Read more


Arlene Holt Baker is the first African-American to serve as Executive Vice President of the AFL-CIO. Read more


The Atlanta Washerwomen Strike of 1881 - the story of courageous black women who successfully organized for better wages and treatment. Read more


Did You Know: Kroger and Meijer Vacation Schedules


If you work at Kroger or Meijer your union contract outlines things you need to know to secure your desired vacation weeks for 2021. Paid vacation is an important union negotiated benefit and we want you to take it when you want! We are here to answer questions like, how many days/hours do I get for vacation? Make sure you have everything you need to know to get the most out of your vacation in 2021.


COVID-19 By the Numbers: Kentucky and Indiana

Knowing where your state and county stands on its COVID-19 trends is an essential part of protecting yourselves and your family's health. The CDC reports that as of February 15, 2021:



Over 387,090 cases reported

10,828 of those in the last 7 days



Over 647,657 cases reported

9,670 of those in the last 7 days