Kroger Negotiations Update April 14, 2019

2019 Voting Locations Posting.jpg

UFCW 227 2019 Contract Highlights

·      Guaranteed pay raises for every single member, every year of the contract

·      Top rate Full-time Clerks

            Impact of .35 wage increase based on 40 hours a week:

            1st year            :    .35 x 2080 = $728               $728                                                    = $     728

            2nd year:   .35 x 2080 = $728               $728 + $728                                        = $  1,456

            3rd  year:   .35 x 2080 = $728              $728 + $728 +$728                             = $  2,184

            4th year:    .35 x 2080 = $728              $728 + $728 + $728 + $728                = $  2,912

                                    Total value of increases over the life of the contract   $  7,280

·      Department Heads

            Impact of .40 wage increase based on 40 hours a week:

            1st year            :    .40 x 2080 = $832               $832                                                    = $     832

            2nd year:   .40 x 2080 =$832                $832+ $832                                         = $  1,664

            3rd  year:   .40 x 2080 =$832               $832+$832+$832                                = $  2,496

            4th year:    .40 x 2080 = $832              $832+ $832+ $832+ $832                   = $  3,328

                                    Total value of increases over the life of the contract   $  8,320

·      Raises starting wages to attract the help we need to better serve customers and shortens the progression to get to top rate

·      Keeps Health Insurance extremely affordable

·      Improves Health Insurance for Part-time members

·      Maintains our Pension benefits to ensure a secure retirement

·      Creates more opportunity for members to become Full-time

·      Creates a Lead Starbucks and Lead Wine & Spirits position that upon qualification will go to Qualified Coordinator rate of pay

·      Creates a Lead Fuel position

·      Creates a Floral Specialist .25 premium rate

·      Floral Designer premium pay rate upon certification for departments over $7,000 of $1.00

·      Creates specialists in Deli/Bakery, Grocery and Front End

·      Increases night premium to .75 immediately with future increases

 Guarantees the better pay, excellent benefits and more opportunities for advancement for 4 years.

Caitlin Blair