How Does Your Union Have Your Back?

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UFCW members value the job security and knowing that someone always has their back, which are important and unique benefits of union membership. You might be saying to yourself…’I know my union has my back, but how do they do that?’ There are many answers to that question and perhaps one of the most important is your Weingarten Rights.

Have you ever been called to a supervisor’s office? If you have, you know that it can be an intimidating and scary experience – even if you’ve done nothing wrong!

As a union member, you have a right to ask that a Union Steward go with you if you are called to a meeting with management and are afraid you could get in trouble. A Supreme Court decision in 1975 called Weingarten v. NLRB gives union members these important rights. It’s kind of like your Miranda rights to a lawyer, but at work.

Not every discussion with management leads to a member getting in trouble, however, if you feel that a conversation is turning into an interrogation you should immediately request union representation. You can ask at any time during the meeting.

Unlike the Miranda Rights, which are read to someone right away, your managers do not have to tell union members about their rights to union representation.  It is up to individual member to know their rights and request their Steward. If your request for union representation is denied you have the right to refuse to answer questions, but you must remain in the meeting. 

Your Union Steward has received special training on how to protect and advise you during these meetings, which is why it’s important that a Union Steward be present, not a witness. There is no substitution for a trained Union Steward – a witness cannot protect you like a trained representative of the union.

There are many benefits to being in our union family. Having trained co-workers who are there to have your back is an important one. 

Caitlin Blair