UFCW 227 Update: Actions During COVID-19

June 8, 2020

Dear Union Family,

As always, thank you for all that you do for your family and ours.

This has been an incredibly difficult and trying time in our nation. We continue to endure a global pandemic that has directly impacted so many of our members who work across grocery, meatpacking, food processing, healthcare, pharmacies, bourbon and so many other industries. We have members who have been furloughed and lost jobs and are among the 40 million Americans who are currently out of work. And now, we are witnessing an unprecedented outpouring of grief and anger at the senseless murder of George Floyd at the hands of those sworn to protect all of us.

We are proud of our union family’s diversity and have long been committed to the pursuit of economic and social justice. If there is any lesson that comes from our nation’s current turmoil it must be this—together we can and must make change.

In that spirit, we would like you to know about a number of recent actions your union has taken to ensure that those in positions of power and influence hear the concerns of all our UFCW members.

Among some of the recent actions:

·     We continue to reach out to local and national media to bring awareness to the challenges and risks you and all of our members face. We have hosted three national press calls and done many local interviews —reaching millions of Kentuckians, Hoosiers and Americans.

·     To encourage customers to protect essential workers, like our UFCW members, we have launched a #ShopSmart customer-facing grocery campaign. You can learn more here: ufcw.org/coronavirus/ShopSmart.

·     To mobilize Republican, Democrat, and Independent elected leaders to take action, we have engaged in a comprehensive political outreach effort which has included direct outreach to the USDA, OSHA, the White House, state Governors, and members of Congress.  All these efforts have stressed the need for bipartisan action to improve the safety and protection of our members. Once again, we are asking that you ask your family and friends to sign our petition: Please Tell Congress & President Trump: Protect ALL Frontline Workers.

With no vaccine, coronavirus remains a threat to your health and safety as you continue to serve your communities. As restrictions relax, we hope you will continue to take necessary steps to protect your health and please continue to report any health and safety issues at work using our Coronavirus Health and Safety Report Form. If you need a refresher on how to keep you and your family safe from coronavirus read this helpful article on our website.

Last week we launched #StillEssential to put public pressure on irresponsible companies to continue to recognize, support and protect you. Many of you sent us pictures of you and your co-workers on the front lines. Those social media posts reached over 33,000 people across the state of Kentucky and Southern Indiana in just one week. Please keep sending us pictures so we can lift up your voice. If you aren't already, follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram and help us share that every single UFCW 227 member is #StillEssential.

In the coming weeks and months, your UFCW union family will continue to speak out and reach out. As we can all agree, the work you do is always essential, and it must be protected. Furthermore, with over 1.3 million members we have an opportunity to have our voices heard and we will continue to raise your concerns with those in power.

Thank you, stay safe, and never forget the power to change others begins with us.

In Solidarity,

Bob Blair
UFCW 227

Caitlin Blair