Did You Know: Kroger and Meijer Vacation Schedules

Paid vacation time is an important benefit negotiated in your union contract. Nearly 23% of American workers in the private sector have no paid vacation at all. Here’s what you need to know about scheduling vacations if you work in Kroger or Meijer to make sure you have your desired vacation weeks indicated on the calendar and you can take advantage of this important union negotiated benefit.


  • The vacation schedule was posted in each store January 1, 2021 and will be removed March 1, 2021

  • Members have until March 1, 2021 to mark their desired vacation week/s on the schedule, if you do not mark your vacations you may not be able to secure your desired week at a later date.

  • Vacations will be granted by store availability and seniority.

  • The schedule will be reposted no later than March 31 to inform employees of approved time off granted.

  • Note that there will be shaded out weeks indicated on the schedule around holidays, this will limit the number of members allowed to take vacations on those given weeks.

  • If a member chooses to not indicate their desired vacation on the posted schedule it will be at the discretion of management to grant the vacation time at a later date.

  • All Paid Days Off must be taken within the one (1) year period following the anniversary date in which they became available for use.

  • Employees may not receive pay in lieu of Paid Days Off.

Time off calculations:

Full Time

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Part Time

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  • The vacation schedule was posted in every store January 30, 2021 and will be removed on March 15, 2021

  • Members have until March 15, 2021 to mark their desired vacation week/s on the schedule, if you do not mark your vacations you may not be able to secure your desired week and may have to select from remaining open weeks after schedule approval.

  • A copy of the final schedule will be given to the Union Steward by April 1, 2021.

  • Choice of vacation dates are granted on the basis of seniority.

  • Note that there will be highlighted weeks indicated on the schedule around holidays; this will limit the number of members allowed to take vacations on those given weeks.

  • Vacation requests of more than two consecutive weeks must be approved by the Store Manager.

  • Employees are initially eligible for one week vacation on the first anniversary of their date of employment. Employees shall be allowed to take these earned vacations between their anniversary date and the end of the year in which it was earned.

  • Employees who qualify for 3 weeks vacation may break one week up into single days and those who qualify for 5 weeks may break 2 weeks up into single days. This option must also be declared by March 15th.

  • No employee shall be given pay in lieu of vacation.

Time off calculations:


Part Time Vacation Hours Calculation:

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Emily Browning