What you need to know about the next Vaccine Phase 

It’s almost time for our union family to get vaccinated! UFCW 227 members have been on the frontlines of this pandemic for almost a year and to say you deserve the protection this shot of relief will bring is an understatement.

Kentucky’s Governor Andy Beshear announced that phase 1c starts on March 1st, but when looking for an appointment keep in mind that you might see different qualifications based on where you live, for instance in Louisville they are starting phase 1c by prioritizing 60 and up. You could still get vaccinated as an essential worker at regional vaccination sites. Click here to visit the Kentucky COVID-19 site for more information.

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For our UFCW 227 family in Indiana, you can stay up-to-date on their progress by clicking here, they are currently vaccinating anyone 60 and older, and have not released when they plan to open the phase with essential workers.  

Indiana vaccine 3-1.png
Kristah Barnette