Tyson in Albany Members: What do you need to know about taking time off?

Our union family fights for the better life that our fellow hard working members have earned and deserve and one of our best opportunities to do that is during union contract negotiations. There are usually several changes when we get a new contract and we don’t want you to miss any benefits our UFCW 227 bargaining committee was able to add to your union membership. 

For UFCW 227 members at Tyson in Albany, KY there was one improvement to your union contract in particular we want to make sure you know more about! 

You are probably familiar with your points system for attendance, and in the past the point system made it difficult to schedule important appointments during the week. Your UFCW 227 bargaining committee fought for a change in your new union negotiated contract to make it easier for you to take care of yourself and your family! You will not receive points and you can request leave up to 3 ½ hours to take care of the important things (like doctors visits) during the work day. 

In Article 12 Section 10 

“12.10 Pre-Arranged Day Off

A. To request pre-arranged time off the Team Member must request a pre-arranged absence at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Pre-arranged time off may not exceed three and one-half (3 1⁄2) hours, and all approved pre-arranged absences will prohibit any current or future attendance incentives. If no approval or disapproval has been received within twenty-four (24) hours of the request, the request will be considered approved (excluding non-scheduled work days).”

To take advantage of this, get the request form in HR, then fill it out and give it to your supervisor, at least 48 hours in advance. 

Make sure to reach out to your union representative Brian Capron if you have any questions. You can go to UFCW227.org/brian-capron to find his extension number or to send him a message. You can also request a copy of your contract at ufcw227.org/request-a-copy-of-your-contract

Kristah Barnette