November is National Native American Heritage Month

What is Native American Heritage Month?

Native American Heritage Month is dedicated to recognizing the rich history, culture, and contributions of the Native American population. This commemorative month seeks to highlight the various and diverse tribes of Native peoples that lived in America, long before explorers, colonists, and settlers arrived and claimed the land as their own. Before Columbus “discovered” America, the area was already inhabited by Indigenous people.

For this reason, Native American Heritage Month is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the plight of the Indigenous population and the obstacles they have faced historically and still face in the present day. This is an inspiring month that allows for education and enables all Americans to understand the history of their nation more.

George H. W. Bush officially took the steps to push forward a joint resolution that made November of 1990 the first official National Native American Heritage Month. Multiple proclamations have been made since each year following 1994.

How to celebrate National Native American Heritage Month

Celebrating National Native American Heritage Month involves taking the time to recognize the rich diversities of the cultures that existed in America before it became the world power it is today and continue to exist. There are hundreds of tribes across the nation, but most people are only capable of naming a few, and even fewer are represented in the media of the day. If you live in the Americas, National Native American Heritage Month is a great opportunity to research your local history and discover which tribes called the land you now live on home.

Then go on to find out what local tribal communities they near you, and what sort of activities they present as part of their history during National Native American Heritage Month. Visit, learn, and take it all in to honor this still living culture.

Great books to check out

Click here to access a list of wonderful children’s books for Native American Heritage Month in November to help you celebrate with your child.

Books for Native American Heritage Month

Emily Browning