Remembering Zachee: A Black Transgender Woman, A UFCW 227 Member, Murdered Outside of Work

On February 3rd, 2023, UFCW 227 member Imanitwitaho Zachee (pronounced Za-shay) was murdered by a co-worker outside of our JBS plant in Louisville, KY. We mourn the loss of a member of our union family to such tragic and senseless violence. Our union is a place where everyone belongs and we remain committed to working hard so that every member receives the respect and justice they deserve.

Zachee, an immigrant from Rwanda, Africa, came to the United States in 2019. She had turned 26 only two days before her death. A gofundme page set up by her family to help with funeral expenses describes Zachee as “a loving, respectful, caring and humble person” who “was well-loved by her family, friends and coworkers. She lived her life bravely and authentically as herself.”

The Human Rights Campaign calls violence against transgender people an epidemic in America. In 2023 at least 12 transgender or gender non-conforming people have been murdered. These numbers likely do not capture many cases that remain unreported.

To ensure that Zachee is not forgotten and that we continue to say her name UFCW OUTreach is naming the Making Change Scholarship in Zachee’s honor. We look forward to hosting UFCW OUTreach this fall.

Union’s have always been a place where everyone belongs. The act of living in solidarity with each other, despite our differences, is what has and always will build our power to make life better for every hard working person.

Rest in power Zachee.

Caitlin Blair