2023 March for Babies

UFCW 227 members turned out to walk for the March for Babies in Somerset, Louisville, and Lexington this May! We were so proud to support March of Dimes and their simple goal: more healthy moms and strong babies. Every family should get the best possible start, which is why we are supporting greater access to the care our families need. Healthy pregnancies shouldn’t depend on if you live in a rural or urban area, how much money you make or the color of your skin.

Hundreds in these communities came together for kids superhero racing, celebrations of success stories and reminders of why we still have work to do. UFCW 227 members were proud to join and have a positive impact with the March of Dimes.

Would you like to know more about the UFCW 227 Foundation? Visit UFCW227.org/227-foundationCW227.org/227-foundation to get involved or learn more about the impact our foundation has on our members with grants and scholarships and in the community with our support for groups like March of Dimes.

Kristah Barnette