Meijer Members: Childcare/Adult Care Benefits in Your Union Negotiated UBA

Our union negotiates benefits that help union members with their every day lives. In today’s world, not only is childcare expensive, but good childcare can be difficult to find. Too many people deal with the stress of worrying about their kids or aging parents while trying to do a good job at work.

Every 4 years, our union stands in solidarity with our union siblings in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana to negotiate a Universal Benefits Agreement (UBA) with Meijer. Our union negotiated UBA covers benefits like healthcare and paid time off, which is in addition to your local union contract. To request a copy of your local union contract click here.

A new benefit for Meijer members, thanks to UBA negotiations, assists all Meijer union members with childcare or adult care. They include:

Care Reimbursement

What it is: 10% reimbursement for children up to age 12, dependents with disabilities (including adults), and elderly family members - full-time members are eligible for up to $100/month and part-time members are eligible for up to $50/month

How it works: submit your receipts to the care benefits microsite to receive reimbursement on your paycheck within 2 weeks

Learning Care Group: over 1,000 locations nationwide for kids 0-12

What it is: 20% discount on tuition and you are placed at the top of the list if there is a waiting list at your location

How it works: call the care concierge at 866-460-3798 or access your benefits online by clicking here.

Caitlin Blair