How to Stay Safe at Work

Union workplaces are more safe than a non-union workplaces, but we have to keep up the good work.

There are a few reasons for the difference in safety and it all comes down to members and their union contracts.

1) Reporting a safety issue isn’t ‘just cause’ for termination, in other words- you can’t be fired for speaking up!

2) Workers have the power to force the company to actually follow safety rules through their grievance procedure.

3) Union members before you worked hard to make it a safe place to work, now it’s our turn to raise the standards to keep each other safe.

We all deserve a safe workplace and you have the power to help yourself and your coworkers by speaking up when you notice something. Every workplace has a different way of handling safety concerns, but reach out to your union stewards, union representative or fill out a safety reporting form on our site to get the discussion going.

Check out more of our articles on safe workplaces!

Workplace Strategies for Hot Weather Safety

Unions Provide and Promote Healthier and Safer Workplaces

Kristah Barnette