Our Union Needs You to Sign Up New Members

Our strength in numbers has never been more important. Your company knows exactly how many people are part of our union, and that knowledge will be front and center as they plan for the next contract negotiation. Which means our strength in numbers also has to be front and center for our union family.

Now let’s talk money in your pocket! Our incentive program gets you a $20 gift card for every individual member and $10 for each member you sign up in orientation. Think about how many new hires you see a week and how the extra money could help you.  Reach out to your Union Representative today and learn more about how you can keep our union strong and get some extra appreciation for your efforts!

Your union needs you and signing up new members is easy, just follow these simple steps to begin!


Step 1: Let your Union Representative know you want to help! 

               Each contract has different language. Get with your Rep to see what the needs are and how you can best help your union family. It might be to help with orientations, help sign up new members as you meet them, or both!


Step 2: Join your union rep during a few conversations with new hires.

               Before you are ready to sign up new members you can ask to your rep to show you what they do. Everyone will have a different approach, because we all have different experiences and things we value most about our union family. But it will help you figure out how the conversations might go to see it first-hand!


Step 3: Prepare what you want to say

This will get easier as you go, but you should work with your Rep to talk about specific workplace issues, and talking points. A few pointers:

A.               Talk about your experiences, and situations you’ve seen the union contract work to help you or your fellow members.  

B.               Ask if anyone has been in a union before, so you know if you need to explain what a union is or not.

C.                If you don’t know the answer tell them you’ll find out, move on, then follow up. But don’t give information that could be wrong!   

D.               Don’t let one negative person ruin your day, if someone seems anti-union, just know that it happens, they will eventually see that they are wrong so don’t burn the bridge. 

Remember, you will feel more and more confident as you go, no one feels like the first time they do something it’s perfect. 


Step 4: Get the materials you need

               Our union assembles new hire packets, with a welcome book, and collection of information on some of the benefits of joining. Get your hands on one and learn what’s included. Between discount brochures, free college info, and other member only offers they can help you paint a clear picture of the advantages of being in our union family. 

               You also need the most important item- a union application! Work with your Rep to learn exactly what needs to be filled out. So, you can get it right the first time! 


Again, we want to recognize that we are asking more of you, stewards are the backbone of our union and it isn’t an easy job. That is why our President Bob Blair and Secretary- Treasurer Paul L Whiteley, Jr, created the incentives for signing up new members.

Reach out to your Union Representative today and learn more about how you can keep our union strong and get some extra appreciation for your efforts!