Latest UFCW 227 COVID-19 Update

May 18, 2020

Dear Union Family,

Indiana and Kentucky are both re-opening businesses that have been closed for weeks in an effort to jump start our economy. Despite the re-openings, the virus remains a threat to your health and safety and we will continue to push your employer and our elected officials to protect and support you. You can read about Kentucky's and Indiana's re-opening plans on our website.

We also want to provide you with all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your family. Experts agree that wide-spread testing is needed to slow the spread of the virus. You can find local testing site information and how to register for an appointment on our website. The federal CARES Act requires insurance companies to cover the cost of these tests.

As things re-open, we need to hear from you. Please use our Coronavirus Health and Safety Reporting form to let us know your concerns. We have heard from hundreds of you and continue to use the form to fight for your needs.

Employer DiscussionsSome employers are using the phased re-openings as an excuse to end hero pay and/or bonuses. They say we are returning to a "new normal". I say there is nothing normal about getting your temperature checked at work and being required to wear a mask. The virus is still a threat to your health and safety and you deserve this emergency pay.

I am disappointed and angry at these decisions. As companies try to end hero pay, we will continue to expose them in the news media. After Kroger announced the end of hero pay they received a lot of negative attention: Kroger workers are still heroes in pandemic. It’s too soon to stop paying them that way.

We will continue to fight for every single one of you to get emergency pay for as long as this crisis continues and as long as you remain a frontline essential worker making and selling the food we all need for our families.

Health and SafetyWe continue to prioritize five safety actions targeted toward the meatpacking and manufacturing industries, including: (1) increased worker testing, (2) priority access to PPE, (3) halting line speed waivers, (4) mandating social distancing, and (5) isolating workers with symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19.

In retail, we are focused on the following safety actions: (1) customer limits in stores, (2) signage asking customers to have one shopper per family and to wear masks when shopping, (3) mandating social distancing, (4) more access to hand sanitizer/hand washing breaks, (5) engaging customers to join our #ShopSmart campaign.

In Kentucky, Governor Beshear's Healthy at Work Executive Order requires retailers to be open at 33% store capacity beginning May 20th. In Indiana, Governor Holcomb's Phased Reopening requires retailers to open at 50% store capacity beginning May 4th.

Primary Election DaysBoth Indiana and Kentucky changed the dates of Primary Election Day.

The deadline to register to vote in Kentucky is May 26th and you can learn about how to register online on our website.  

No one really knows how long this crisis may last, but please know, your union will be fighting to protect and support you in every way we can. Please use our Coronavirus Health and Safety Reporting form to let us know your concerns.

In Solidarity,
Bob Blair
UFCW 227

Caitlin Blair