A New Year's Message from President Bob Blair and Secretary Treasurer Paul L. Whiteley Jr.

Dear Union Family,

At this time last year, who would have thought we’d be wearing masks to work every day, standing behind plexiglass and getting our temperatures taken. Did you know COVID was a word? We didn’t. And we’re pretty sure we would have thought corona was something we’d like to have on occasion.

2020 was an incredibly difficult and stressful year.

Words alone can never thank you for the incredible hard work and sacrifices you have made. Over the last several months, you continued to show up and work hard to make sure families in every community have what they need to get through this global pandemic.

Since the beginning of this crisis, as challenging as this had been, we have been determined to do all we can to protect all of our union family, and to fight for your incredible hard work and sacrifices to be honored and valued.

This pandemic made your job harder than it already was. Our union family has risen to face the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic every single day. When COVID-19 hit our country, we strapped on our masks and went to work.

When our food supply was threatened, members at Tyson, Farbest Foods, Smithfield, SFG, JBS and Pilgrim’s Pride worked around the clock to make sure we all had chicken, turkey and pork to feed our families. Members at Prairie Farms and Saputo made sure grocery stores had dairy products to fill the shelves.

When people panicked and ran to the grocery store members at Banks, Meijer, and Kroger stocked the shelves, checked people out and were face to face with thousands of customers every day.

Our proud distilleries Glenmore, Jim Beam, and Wild Turkey produced volumes of product under very difficult conditions and probably are responsible for helping many people keep their sanity during this crisis.

We health care workers didn’t have enough masks and gowns to protect themselves while caring for the sick our members at Carhartt stepped up to the plate to sew and distribute gowns and masks, not to mention all of the other online packages Americans were ordering. 

We took care of the sick and the elderly at Signature Nursing home, which recently announced that they will have one hall dedicated solely to COVID patients, and also at Jackson House and Sodexo. while trying to provide additional benefits through IBOW.

YanFeng, Red Spot, Dawn, Teasdale, Barbers at Fr. Knox and Ft. Campbell, Russell Immigration Law, Kustom Kwik and Stacy Publishing all went to work to keep our country and our economy going despite the threat of the virus. 

While you stood up and did your job, UFCW Local 227 fought for sanitizer, cleaning supplies, masks paid for by the company, shields, plexiglass, social distancing, safety, and the hazard pay every single essential worker deserves. We’re still fighting and won’t stop fighting as long as the threat of coronavirus remains.

We continue to fight companies and the government to step up and do what is necessary to make sure you are protected, supported, appreciated and paid. We understand what you’re up against, while most companies only care about how much money they’re making.

It is our sincere belief that the work you do is always essential. By standing together, we have the ability to negotiate for better protections in the workplace and stronger policies to protect you and your fellow members.

Please know that no matter how long this crisis may last, your union will be fighting to protect you in every we can.

Thank you and stay safe.

In Solidarity,

Bob Blair Paul L. Whiteley, Jr.
President Secretary Treasurer

Caitlin Blair