Post This Picture on April 28th to Show Your Support for Safety at Work

On April 28, 1971, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created to guarantee every worker the right to a safe job. While workplace safety laws have improved since then, there are still far too many people who suffer injury, illness and death at work. Today, in the United States, workplace injury and illness kills or disables over 100,000 of our neighbors every year.

That is too much.

Every year, on April 28th, our labor union family and friends observe Workers Memorial Day. It is a time for our workers’ rights community to come together to remember those who paid the ultimate price at work and to renew our commitment to safe workplaces for everyone.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic our union family has been on the front lines keeping America fed. We have experienced firsthand the need for better safety laws to protect regular working people and larger penalties for employers who ignore those safety laws.

We’ve lost co-workers and loved ones. This year we hope you will join us to show your support for safety at work and honor those who lost their lives at their job by simply sharing this picture on your social media feed on April 28th, Workers Memorial Day. We’ve also written a sample post you can use or you can create your own.

Here is the sample post: Today is #WorkersMemorial Day. I stand with @UFCW227 as we honor all the brave #EssentialWorkers, across industries, who have died from #COVID19, workplace violence, and unsafe working conditions.

Click on the picture to save it to your device.

Thank you for joining us to show your support this Workers Memorial Day and thank you for being a part of our union family.

Caitlin Blair