What Makes a Leader?

When becoming a steward at UFCW Local 227 you automatically take on the role of a leader. But what characteristics exactly define you as a good leader? With that question in mind we have pulled together some defining characteristics of what not only makes a leader, but what makes a GOOD leader.

  • A leader is tough: leaders have to be tough to fight for people who don’t have the knowledge or ability to stand up for themselves. Be persistent, consistent, and insistent. When you are acting as a union representative, remember that you are equal to your employer and should expect nothing less than their respect. 

  •  A leader is tender: people are going to approach you at difficult and stressful moments in their lives. Just listening to someone can make a big difference, you have to be able to feel the hurt. A little empathy goes a long way and people won’t forget it. 

  • A leader is human: stewards are problem-solvers and that involves an element of risk. Find a mentor to seek advice from or bounce ideas off of. This needs to be someone whose counsel you respect, but don’t be afraid to follow your own head, heart, and gut. 

  • A leader is humble: good leaders learn from their mistakes and what went wrong. Failure isn’t something we like to talk about, but we lose an opportunity to learn if we don’t reflect on it. Own your mistakes and move on

  • A leader is resilient: don’t let setbacks get you down and keep on moving. You’re going to have tough days, but every victory and every time a member says “thank you” will make it all worthwhile. 

    Stewards can make all the difference in how members feel about their union. It’s not the title that matters, it’s how you do the job. If you’re tough but tender, human, humble and resilient you will earn the respect of your members and management counterparts.