What are gender pronouns and why do they matter?

In June we celebrate Pride Month to recognize the impact LGBTQ+ people have had on the world and our union family. It is also a time to reaffirm our commitment to fight for equality and justice for all Americans.

Our union believes that hard work should be rewarded no matter your sexual orientation or gender identity. Using pronouns to support all workers is becoming increasingly common at work. We can all learn how to use pronouns to fulfill our union’s mission to fight for all workers to be treated with dignity and respect.

In the English language we often use pronouns when we refer to one another. People choose gender pronouns that reflect who they are. They may be she/her, he/him, they/them, any combination of those or different from these. When a person shares their pronouns they are telling us how they want to be referred to when someone is speaking about them. Using someone’s correct gender pronouns is a way for you to show that person they are a respected and valued member of our union family. If you aren’t sure what someone’s pronouns are, start by introducing yourself with your own pronouns and ask “What are your pronouns?”.

Using the right gender pronouns is important not only because it reflects our union family’s values of including many people from all walks of life, but it can also help save a life. A study in the Journal of Adolescent Health showed that young people whose gender identities were respected had a 34% decrease in suicidal thoughts and a 65% decrease in suicidal behavior. You can read more about that study on the University of Texas’ website by clicking here.

We can all play a part in making this simple practice a common part of every day life and work. It takes practice and it’s likely that mistakes may be made. If you accidentally call a co-worker by the wrong pronoun, simply apologize, never make it about you, and try to do better. If you see another co-worker call someone by the wrong pronoun gently correct them, they may not know. For more on how to handle mistakes and support your co-workers click here.

Our union’s power comes from our strength in numbers - we are an organization built to include people from all different backgrounds because when more people belong we are more powerful.

As a union member there are some things you can do to make sure everyone knows they belong in our union family.

  1. Do you wear a nametag? Ask your supervisor if you can add your pronouns to your nametag.

  2. Request a UFCW Outreach button with your correct pronouns here.

  3. Follow UFCW 227 and UFCW Outreach on Facebook.

  4. Contact your Union Representative if you are concerned about how you or a fellow co-worker is being treated. Here is our union directory.

  5. Consider adding your pronouns to your Zoom account or email signature.

  6. Practice using proper pronouns and help others to learn about why it’s so important.

  7. Avoid using gender specific phrases like “you guys” or “ladies”. Use terms like “union family”.

UFCW Outreach Pronoun pins

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