A Woman's Place is in Her Union

A union is really better for everyone, but it’s Women’s History Month so let’s talk about a few ways women benefit from their union contracts!

According to the PEW Research Center, women earn only 81% of what men in similar positions make , but in union contracts women make about 90% of what men make. Union contracts can include protected time off and transparent pay which are two leading causes of unequal pay for men and women.

Before the Affordable Care Act women could be charged more for health insurance than men, but union contracts paved the way long before the ACA was passed in 2010. An employee's co-pay for insurance, and what is covered is a mandatory subject of bargaining for workers with a union contract. This has allowed union members to fight for and win more equality in health insurance coverage.  

We all need a level playing field, no one needs special treatment but we all need to be held to the same standards and given the opportunity to succeed. Women can face difficulties getting promotions in non-union workplaces, not based on ability but based on assumptions. Union contracts often outline rules for promotions based on things like seniority and ability to bypass options for unequal treatment.   

The labor movement has a lot of history to be proud of, some big moments include rules like mandating overtime over 40 hours that help all workers not just those with a union contract, but with a union at your workplace you can make even bigger strides.

Kristah Barnette