What is Your Role as a Union Member?

The most important thing to know about your union is that YOU are the union. A union is only as strong, effective and powerful as the members who participate in its operation and activities. The best way to exercise that power is by being informed, involved and active in your union.

Every member can take just a few simple steps to make your union more powerful and effective. These steps include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Read your contract and keep it handy – Your contract spells out your rights and benefits at work and represents the focus of your union’s activity.

  • Submit ideas for contract proposals – When contracts come up for renegotiation members have the opportunity to submit proposals to be considered for inclusion in the negotiation. This is your opportunity to propose changes and new ideas to improve your workplace.

  • Ask the question – If you are unclear about what your contract says, or what your union is doing to address an issue, go to one of your union leaders and ask them. Each store or plant has stewards in house everyday. If they are unaware of the answer you or they can reach out to your designated Union Representative.

  • Attend meetings – If you can not make a meeting in person ask if it was recorded to watch later or at the very least get the bullet points to find out what is happening.

  • Read newsletters, E-Mails, etc. – Our communications team works hard to make sure you are informed through our newsletters, social media posts and email blasts of ongoing events. Review this material so you know what is going on. Make sure we have your current email and phone number to further assist us in sending out communications.

  • Participate in the activities of the bargaining unit –As our union does its work on your behalf, we try to engage our membership in a number of activities. Get involved as much as possible.

    Remember the Union is you.