Starting a Union at Your Workplace

Here are the basic steps:

1. Talk to your coworkers

  • More than likely, you are not alone in wanting better wages, benefits and working conditions. Joining together to start a union is the solution to improving your work place.

2. Get in contact with a UFCW 227 union organizer

  • UFCW Local 227 has experienced organizers that can support you and provide you the resources you need to start a union.

  • We represent hard working people in a number of different professions including, but not limited to the following:

·  Retail, Grocery, Distillery, Meat Packing, Food Processing, Poultry, Dairy, Garment, Manufacturing, Chemical, Health Care, and Cannabis

3Start an Organizing Committee

  • These are the co-workers that are going to be you biggest supporters and are willing to work together to get others involved in the process to win a union contract.

4Know you Rights

  • This includes your right to distribute union literature and wear union buttons and t-shirts. You also have the right to solicit co-workers to sign union authorization cards, and discuss the union with co-workers during non-work time.

5.  Sign Union Support Cards

  • Build support for starting a union by asking co-workers to sign union authorization cards. These cards are used to show proof to the National Labor Relations Board that you and your co-workers support starting a union.

6.  Request Recognition of Your Union

  • If a majority of your coworkers sign authorization cards you can request that your employer respect that decision and recognize your union. Your employer has 2 weeks to respond to your request. If your employer recognizes your union, you skip to Step 8!

7.  Prepare to Vote Union YES! in an Election

  • In case your employer does not choose to recognize your union. We will also ask the National Labor Relations Board to schedule a secret ballot election for you and your co-workers to vote to start a union. If a majority of your co-workers vote YES at your election, your employer now has to recognize your union and bargain with you and your coworkers.

8. Negotiate Your Contract

  • Now is the moment where you negotiate all the benefits you and your coworkers deserve. You and your coworkers will have the opportunity to vote on the contract before it is finalized to ensure it has the benefits and values you deserve.

After you’ve won your first contract, you can officially obtain UFCW 227 union membership!

Emily Browning