Posts in Union Education
What Makes a Leader?

When becoming a steward at UFCW Local 227 you automatically take on the role of a leader. But what exactly define you as a good leader? With that question in mind we have pulled together some defining characteristics of what not only makes a leader but what makes a GOOD leader.

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Workers Memorial Day

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers Memorial Day commemorates those workers.

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Woman's History Month: Rose Pesotta

Pesotta once worked in Southern California where she had been discharged from a garment factory and blacklisted for union activity. Now Pesotta was returning at the request of garment workers to organize their industry. Within one month a new International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) local was formed and the garment industry found itself in the middle of a bitter strike with Rose Pesotta leading the charge.

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Black History Month: George T. Downing

“The colored man’s struggle until now has been for naked existence, for the right to life and liberty; with the fifteenth amendment, henceforth his struggle will be in the pursuit of happiness; in this instance; it is to turn his labor to the most effective account, to be respected therein; the most we can hope to effect in this gathering, is a crude organization; the formation of a labor bureau to send out agents, to organize throughout the land, to effect union with laborers without color.”

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