Negotiations: What is a Proposal Meeting? Why Should You Participate?

One of the greatest rights a union member has is the right to have a meaningful say in what goes on in your workplace.

Every couple of years, a committee of your co-workers and experienced union negotiators re-negotiate the terms of your union contract, which include your wages, benefits and working conditions (ex. promotions or safety). It’s important for you as a union member to participate in the process of submitting your ideas for your next union contract.

Our union has several ways for you to add your input and your priorities to the proposal your union negotiating committee gives to your company during contract negotiations. The most common way to participate is to attend a proposal meeting.

What is a proposal meeting? Before negotiating with your company UFCW 227 will hold a meeting for you to show up in person and submit an idea for your next union contract. We call these proposal meetings. They typically are several hours in length to try to give everyone an opportunity to attend based on their work schedule. There is likely going to be more than one proposal meeting scheduled to give as many union members as possible an opportunity to attend.

You can show up at any time during the scheduled meeting hours that works for you and you don’t have to stay the entire time. At the meeting a Union Representative will be there to write down your proposal. If all you have is a few minutes to spare, you can leave after submitting your proposal. You are also welcome to stay and ask questions about the process. Educated union members increases union power!

After each proposal meeting, all of the proposals submitted by union members are compiled into a document. It is your ideas that the union negotiating committee submits as our first contract proposal to your company.

In addition to in person proposal meetings, union members who are opt-ed in to receive updates and info from text messages will also be invited to submit a proposal from their phone. To opt-in to the union’s text message program, please fill out our contact form with the subject: Text Message Opt-In.

Our union also distributes online member surveys as a way for you to provide your input and priorities for your union contract. Make sure we have your correct email address and phone number so you are receiving these important messages.

The union’s power comes from you. The more members that participate in their union, the more powerful our union will be. We are stronger together.