The Easy Way to Keep Your Union Strong

Do you ever want to ask “How can I be an active union member without being “active”?

We get it, you are busy! And tired, and have other things to do. But you can still keep your union strong without adding to your calendar.  Our union is more than 20,000 members strong and it’s good that people show up, but no one expects you to make every meeting. We are all able to contribute in different ways, at different times, on different levels. And that’s okay! #selfcare, right?

If you want to make a difference as a union member, the easiest way to keep our union strong is to talk about and learn contract rights with fellow members.

You probably already talk about contract rights at work, like when someone asks:

“How many breaks do I get?” 

“When is health insurance available for new people?” 

“Do I get a raise?” 

“Is that schedule fair?”

These are all examples of talking about contract rights, these conversations are protected union activity.

One way to talk about contract rights is to try to keep a copy nearby to find the answer when questions come up. You can ask coworkers to help you look & talk about what you find, or stop by and talk to a union steward, they will know how to find the right information for you.

If you don’t have a copy of your contract book you can request one here

If you do this, you and your fellow members will better understand your rights on the job. Then the company can then be corrected or held accountable if the contract has been violated.

Retirement, healthcare, paid time off and promotions are all topics in your union negotiated contract. It's a good idea to talk about what the union contract says about these things so that you can make sure you're getting the benefit of everything in the union contract. Simple mistakes can cause you to miss out on these benefits and if noticed we can work to get it fixed. You have a legal right to be involved in union activity at work, without retaliation. So, members talking about contract violations can’t get them in trouble and keeps your union and your contract strong. 

To learn more about our union talk to your Union Representative and Stewards. You can also update your contact info to stay informed.